REGISTER HERE Register for this free event to receive the Zoom link by email: https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/world-changing-kids-17548400912 SHORT DESCRIPTION At this free, online meet-up we will learn more about the current overrepresentation…
REGISTER HERE Register for this free event to receive the Zoom link by email: https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/world-changing-kids-17548400912 SHORT DESCRIPTION At this free, online meet-up we will learn more about the current overrepresentation…
Hey! I wanted to let you know that I have an awesome workshop about Plastic Pollution and actions we can take to help that I can run for your school,…
Today is World Water Day. From the UN’s website: WHAT IS WORLD WATER DAY? World Water Day is on 22 March every year. It is an annual United Nations Observance,…
I was on CTV with Vanessa Lee with some advice on how to talk with kids about the war in Ukraine. You can watch the clip here. I was in…
BUY YOUR FAMILY TICKET HERE https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/world-changing-kids-17548400912 PROGRAM SUMMARY Upstanders Academy: an online social justice experiential learning program for youth ages 7 – 13, where we talk about real world issues…
GET YOUR FAMILY TICKET HERE https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/world-changing-kids-17548400912 DETAILS Like all holidays, International Women’s Day (IWD) has been watered down and commercialized, becoming more about basic empowerment and a celebration of who…
Our children know that there is a war going on in Ukraine – they probably know more than you think they know. Older kids have access to social media and…