Wow. We had such a beautiful time at our Plastic Pollution Workshop and Beach Cleanup with Deep Blue Cleanup!
The space at the Nepean Sailing Club was awesome.
The families and community members who joined us were amazing and fun and caring and wonderful. We learned so much together. And then we got out there and did good, important work cleaning up the shoreline.
Also, I got to meet a family in person, for the first time, who had spent a lot of time online with me at the beginning of the pandemic – through many of my early online workshops and camps. We will forever have a special connection because we spent so much time together, at the beginning of this crazy time in all our lives that was filled with so much isolation and disconnection.
Another super cool thing that happened – Melanie, from Deep Blue Cleanup, showed us this awesome app called Clean Swell from Ocean Conservancy that anyone can download and use to easily record each item of trash you collect on your own cleanups. All the data collected helps scientists and advocates around the world tackle ocean trash at a global scale. You can get more info about this app here.
And a reporter, Lynn Saxberg, and photographer, Ashley Fraser, from the Ottawa Citizen were there and put together such a beautiful article about our event which you can read here.
As always, the amazing kids exceeded my expectations with their insights and with their compassion for each other, the planet and all the beings that we share it with. We will be in good hands when they are in charge. Stay tuned for future cleanups with Deep Blue Cleanup!