Get your family ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/world-changing-kids-17548400912


Join us to learn more about the true history and legacy of Residential Schools in Canada through storytelling, conversation and art.


Join us for this in-person event where we will be leading families through a “Project of Heart” workshop to learn more about the true history of Residential Schools in Canada. There is so much to this workshop – it is almost too much to explain in one place … I will try my best!

Project of Heart has 6 steps to it:

Step 1. We will start with a learner-led, inquiry-based investigation into the history and legacy of Residential Schools in Canada.

Step 2. Then we will learn more about a specific Residential School – we will be learning about Kivalliq Hall in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut. We will learn about the people from this beautiful community – about their history, but also their present – their joy, creativity, and brilliance.

Step 3. Then we will undertake our “Gesture of Reconciliation” through a group art project where we decorate wooden tiles to be added to the Project of Heart Commemoration Exhibit to honour former students of Residential Schools and to inspire people to do their own learning about Canada’s Residential School system.

Step 4. Then we will learn from two Indigenous youth – Jessie Kigutaq-Metcalfe and Kyrstin Dumont – about their experiences as intergenerational Residential School Survivors.

Step 5. Then we will complete a Social Justice Action. We will be creating additional tiles as jewelry to be sold as a fundraiser for Justice 4 Indigenous Women to support the work they are doing to bring traditional Inuit birthing practices back to communities in Nunavut.

Step 6. The last step is to share what we have learned. For this, we could write a blog or create a video to share with Project of Heart for their website. Or any other creative idea that the group comes up with! We can also share this on World-Changing Kids social media pages and each participant can share it within their own circle of friends and family.

For more info on Project of Heart, click here.

For more info on Justice 4 Indigenous Women, click here.


This workshop is set up as a “Pay What You Can” event – starting at $10 to cover the supplies needed. If the $10 price is a barrier, please contact Lindsey at worldchangingkids@gmail.com and we will work something out. All revenue earned after covering our costs will be split evenly between World-Changing Kids and the Indigenous youth who co-facilitate this workshop with me.


The workshop will be held at the Revel Academy at 1550 Laperriere Ave, #100, Ottawa, ON K1Z 7T2.