Hey! I wanted to let you know that I have an awesome workshop about Plastic Pollution and actions we can take to help that I can run for your school, community group, team or club. I ran this for a group of kids and parents at the AMA Centre, at the Mosque of Mercy, and the organizer wrote with this feedback: “THANK YOU again, Lindsey. It was a fabulous presentation.”
This workshop is one hour and it includes a presentation and the building of an action plan with your group, which I will put together and send to you. You can check out the AMA Centre’s Action Plan here.
Action is the antidote to anxiety and overwhelm. Through this workshop, we show our kids (and ourselves) that we have the power as individuals to help make things better, and when we unite, we are even stronger.
Send me an email at worldchangingkids@gmail.com if you want more info on this!
#WorldChangingKids #EnvironmentalActivism #StopSingleUsePlastic #EndFossilFuels #Connection #Support #RaisingLeaders #EducationReimagined #Hope #SocialJustice #SaveOurPlanet #Community