

I am currently working with an amazing youth group with kids from my World-Changing Kids community, kids from the Mosque of Mercy and kids from Temple Israel in an effort to help fundraise to bring a refugee family here to safety. You can check out the Go Fund Me page for more details: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-bring-the-al-taha-family-to-safety-in-canada

We are organizing this beautiful event, during Kindness Week, to help promote our fundraising efforts and to help us learn more so that we can do better. We will learn more about what it is like to arrive in Canada as a refugee and what we can do to help make refugee families feel more welcome and supported.


The workshop will take place through Zoom. The meeting link will be emailed to participants the day of the workshop.


We have set this event up as a by donation ticket system. We did this because we want to make sure that everyone is able to attend – we don’t want the cost to be a barrier. All money raised from the event will go directly to our Go Fund Me campaign to help bring the Al Taha family here to safety.

You can select your ticket price and register for the event on our Eventbrite page here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/world-changing-kids-17548400912