Register for this free event to receive the Zoom link by email: https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/world-changing-kids-17548400912


At this free, online meet-up we will learn more about the current drinking water situation in Indigenous communities. Then we will write our own letters to send to the Prime Minister to tell him that we want clean drinking water for all Canadians to be a priority.


Last July, I started what turned out to be a series of 8 Letter Writing for Reconciliation Free Online Meetups. This was inspired by the initial uncovering of children’s remains at the Kamloops Indian Residential School and my desire to do something to help. These sessions were intended to motivate me to write my letters to the Prime Minister advocating for justice for Indigenous peoples, as well as to support other awesome families in writing their own letters.

I am going to run these 8 sessions again this year because it is important that we continue to have these conversations. We were all shocked and heartbroken last spring when the first uncovering of children’s remains happened, we can’t let that shock and heartbreak turn to apathy as time passes. More children’s remains are being uncovered each month. The issues around clean drinking water are still happening. There is a huge overrepresentation of Indigenous children in the foster care system. There is an overrepresentation of Indigenous peoples in the prison system. There is a gap in the funding received and the quality of education for Indigenous children. We need to be talking about this every day.

I am also running these sessions again because they were so heartwarming and uplifting. The kids exceeded my expectations every time in their letter writing – their voices are bold and fierce and they truly care about the issues. They are not afraid to call out the Prime Minister and to hold him accountable to fixing the injustices that are currently being faced by Indigenous people in Canada. My heart nearly burst at each session seeing how engaged these kids were. We will be in good hands when they are in charge.