I know there are a lot of amazing initiatives and causes to give to this #GivingTuesday, but if you felt inspired to help the amazing kids in our Youth Refugee Family Fundraising Team, a team made up of youth from Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Queer youth groups, bring this beautiful Syrian family here to safety, we would be super grateful.

Here is the link to the Go Fund Me campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-bring-the-al-taha-family-to-safety-in-canada

For more info on this family, check out this lovely video made by the kids in my Upstanders Academy: https://youtu.be/190oecPl6BE

As one of the wonderful kids says: “We can’t stop war, and we can’t solve every problem, but we can help one family at at time. Can you help us help this family?”

#WorldChangingKids #RefugeesWelcome #Diversity #Inclusion #Equity #OneHumanity #Community #Connection #SocialJustice #EndWar #Peace #RaisingLeaders #EducationReimagined #Support #Hope #InterFaith #HappyChanukkah #MerryChristmas #AssalamAlaykom