So this is super awesome. A group of my amazing World-Changing Kids wrote, recorded and produced a song with Cody Coyote!

Take a listen to it here.

The kids wrote the song about their experiences living through this pandemic. We recorded each child’s part through Zoom – with them recording on their phones and then emailing me the clips. We all learned so much! As happens with everything in COVID, our original plan for putting the song together fell apart. And everything was on hold for a very long time. Until one of the amazing kids in the group – who was only 12 – stepped up to volunteer to put all the vocal clips together! This actually makes it even more special – to have it completely recorded and produced by the kids! You can find other projects that this awesome kid has done on his YouTube channel here.​

I know I say this a lot about all the awesome things these kids are doing with me through World-Changing Kids, but seriously, imagine what else these kids will be able to do in their futures knowing that they wrote, recorded and produced a song with a multi-award nominated and award winning Hip-Hop/Electronic artist, virtually, during a pandemic, when they were between the ages of 8 and 13. I love to think about what they will be able to achieve knowing that they can reach out to anyone they need to in order to follow their dreams. Imagine what they will innovate, build, and create to help make the world a better place knowing at their young ages that they have a voice and important things to say and that they deserve a seat at any table they choose to sit at. This is why I do what I do!

A huge thank you to Cody for creating such an engaging and meaningful experience for these kids. To learn more about Cody, check him out here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.