Date: Friday, May 15, 2020
Time: 2:30 to 3:30
Price: $15 or $25 per family
Ages: 8 to 12

This workshop will have two parts.

First, we will learn about Ramadan from our 10 year old friend, Kenan. He will teach us all about this holiday from his perspective, from his lived experience, and he will answer questions from the participants. Kenan led a similar Upstanders and World-Changers Workshop for the younger age group last week and I was blown away by his leadership and storytelling skills. He did a fantastic job and the kids really responded to him. It was an amazing example of peer to peer learning.

Then we will hear from my friend Roula about her experience leaving Syria because of the war, spending 4 years in Turkey, and then finally arriving in Canada. She will talk with the kids about what she went through, what was good and what was difficult, and what could be done to make it easier for others. She will talk about what it is like for refugee children to go through this as well. And then we will brainstorm actions we can take to help make things better.


The workshop will take place through Zoom. The meeting link will be emailed to participants the day of the workshop.


You will notice that we have listed two ticket prices for this event – $15 or $25 per family. I use this two ticket format when I am running a workshop with a guest. When I invite a guest to a workshop, I want to make sure that they are fairly compensated, so I split the revenue from a shared workshop 50/50. But I also want to be sensitive to our participants’ needs right now. With this two ticket format, families can self-select the ticket price that works best for them in this current time.

We know that a lot of people are experiencing financial hardship right now, and we want to be empathetic, compassionate and accommodating to that. But we also know that there are others who are less affected financially right now and are looking for ways to help our local artists, organizations, community builders and businesses. We thought that this two ticket price system was a fair way to balance all this. Please select either price, without any guilt or fear of judgement. And, if $15 is not possible at this time, but you really want to attend, please email us at worldchangingkids@gmail.com and we can work something out!

