Date: Friday, May 22, 2020
Time: 1:30 to 2:30
Price: $15 or $25 per family
Ages: 8 to 12
Back by popular demand, we are holding a second Upstanders & World-Changers Workshop with Theland Kicknosway. Theland is Wolf Clan, he is Potawatami/ Cree Nation, a member of Walpole Island -Bkejwanong Territory in Southern Ontario. He is a singer and a grass & hoop dancer. For this amazing workshop, Theland will share with us teachings of how we all belong in the circle and a creation story, and will teach us more about hoop dancing.
I have seen Theland speak and perform numerous times and am always completely blown away by his natural gifts for storytelling and leadership. My children and I joined him on the last two kilometers of his 2018 MMIW2sG Annual Run for Families of Sisters in Spirit – raising awareness for the children left behind of MMIW2sG. Being part of the ceremony at the end of this run, and listening to Theland’s beautiful words, is one of my fondest memories of my World-Changing Kids work. I am so excited for this workshop.
For more information, check out Theland’s Facebook page at:
The workshop will take place through Zoom. The meeting link will be emailed to participants the day of the workshop.
You will notice that we have listed two ticket prices for this event – $15 or $25 per family. I use this two ticket format when I am running a workshop with a guest. When I invite a guest to a workshop, I want to make sure that they are fairly compensated, so I split the revenue from a shared workshop 50/50. But I also want to be sensitive to our participants’ needs right now.
With this two ticket format, families can self-select the ticket price that works best for them in this current time. We know that a lot of people are experiencing financial hardship right now, and we want to be empathetic, compassionate and accommodating to that. But we also know that there are others who are less affected financially right now and are looking for ways to help our local artists, organizations, community builders and businesses. We thought that this two ticket price system was a fair way to balance all this. Please select either price, without any guilt or fear of judgement. And, if $15 is not possible at this time, but you really want to attend, please email us at and we can work something out!