Cody Coyote was born on April 17th, 1992, raised in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and is of Ojibwe/Irish descent with ancestry from Matachewan First Nation. With his fusion of strong, profound lyricism accompanied by corresponding influential sounds, this multi-award nominated and award winning Hip-Hop/Electronic artist grasps his listeners attention and delivers a mesmerizing performance. Outside of music, Cody Coyote is also a motivational speaker, workshop facilitator and is the host of “The Beat” on 95.7 Elmnt fm.

For more information on Cody, check out his website here.

And click here to watch a great song and music video by Cody to get your kids super excited to join us.


In this 4 week session, kids will work with Cody to write, record and produce a song. This will be awesome. It is like a Masterclass, but interactive, with a great group of kids from all over who come together to form an inclusive, supportive, safe community of friends, and with an actual song your child helped create that will be ready to release to the world! And all of this will be led by Cody Coyote, who is super cool and a great role model for our kids.

Among all this awesomeness, Cody also teaches the kids about Indigenous culture and his lived experience growing up as a First Nations boy, and now as a young man. He is a natural storyteller and the kids love learning from him.

At the beginning of our current reality of social isolation and schools being closed, we started with one Cody Coyote workshop. The kids loved it so much that they asked for more, and they guided it towards being focused on making music. Now that we know that the kids are home for another month, we are holding this 4 week session, with a dedicated group of kids, to really be able to create something amazing. And we want your kids to join us.


The workshops will take place through Zoom. I will email the links out a half hour before each class. And we use Slack as a communication tool for the kids to connect throughout the week and share what they are working on. We have kids voluntarily sharing rhymes and beats with each other, and inspiring each other to get to work. It is the best of self-directed, project-based learning.


You will notice that we have listed two ticket prices for this session – $50 or $75 per family. I use this two ticket format when I am running workshops with a guest. When I invite a guest to a workshop, I want to make sure that they are fairly compensated, so I split the revenue from a shared workshop 50/50. But I also want to be sensitive to our participants’ needs right now.

With this two ticket format, families can self-select the ticket price that works best for them in this current time. We know that a lot of people are experiencing financial hardship right now, and we want to be empathetic, compassionate and accommodating to that. But we also know that there are others who are less affected financially right now and are looking for ways to help our local artists, organizations, community builders and businesses. We thought that this two ticket price system was a fair way to balance all this. Please select either price, without any guilt or fear of judgement. And, if $50 is not possible at this time, but you really want to attend, please email us at worldchangingkids@gmail.com and we can work something out!


And check out our Facebook event page for more info: