Upstanders Academy: where kids build the skills & confidence to change the world by working on real life projects they are passionate about.

I am so excited to launch the Upstanders Academy. I feel like all my work in building World-Changing Kids – exploring different avenues, letting it grow organically, letting the kids take it where they wanted to go based on what they wanted to learn – has been directing us to this. And the kids are excited!

One of our Upstanders already has his passion project all picked out. He actually scheduled a phone call with me to discuss this in more detail (which I have to admit, I was a bit nervous for – I don’t have many 12 year olds schedule phone calls with me).

He told me that his passion was film making and he wanted to work on a project related to helping the homeless. So, we are in talks with the fabulous Brigitte Boulay to interview her about her work with We Live in the Shadows and her vision for opening the Shadow Cafe – an all-inclusive, non-denominational, pet friendly drop in to feed the hungry in Ottawa! We are also working on setting a date for our kids to join Brigitte for a street outreach mission. I can’t wait to see what is created around this project!

The community is so supportive of this. My heart is full. We have had a number of people reach out to ask if they can get involved. So I am also in talks with an amazing organization – Ottawa Reduces – about coming in to give a small presentation on the plastic crisis and why garbage is an issue, followed by some examples of what can be swapped out to move towards a zero waste house. The kids are going to love this!

And our awesome City Councillor, Jean Cloutier, asked if he could stop by for a visit to see the program in action – I’m hoping he will not just come by to observe, but join us as an invited guest speaker and talk to the kids about what it’s like to be a City Councillor.

Stay tuned for more info on where we take this first 8 week session and where this goes in the future.

And, Alta Vista friends, spots are filling up fast – if you want to register your child, you should do so soon. Here are the important details:

An 8 week after-school program in Alta Vista, held on Wednesdays from 3:45 to 5:15, March 4 to April 29 (excluding March 18). Aimed at students in grades 4 to 8.

Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/203167860833132/

To register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/upstanders-academy-tickets-94218779907

And don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!