For those of you who might not know much about Lindsey or the story behind World-Changing Kids … we thought we would share some beautiful words that were written for our website with the help of our awesome friend Elyse Power …
Lindsey Barr is the Founder of World-Changing Kids (WCK): a social enterprise dedicated to character education, leadership development, community building and social justice. WCK empowers children to believe that they can make the world a better place, helps them figure out how they want to do this, and gives them the tools necessary to make this happen.
Prior to WCK, Lindsey was a Senior Program Officer in the Federal Government, first with the Book Publishing Industry Development Program and then with the Aboriginal Languages Initiative. Following this, she managed the Ottawa operations of Toronto-based Arts Express, delivering arts programming in elementary schools and in the community. She has been an active member in her local school council, involved in fundraising, program delivery and spending decisions. She also ran an after-school child care program in her neighbourhood for ten years. And, last but not least, she is mother to two amazing world-changing kids.
WCK evolved out of Lindsey’s desire to create the community that she wanted for her family. Her informal initiatives, and passion, have resulted in a uniquely strong, kind, inclusive community. She has garnered attention from press, politicians, and community organizations and a growing demand from parents and educators who share her vision for a connected community, and desire to raise empathetic, empowered, and kind children. She has an incredible ability to create champions for her cause, and a proven track record in program development and delivery, fundraising, and entrepreneurship.
Photo credit goes to Rothbauer Studio and OttawaNeighbours!