We can build a workshop, as part of our Year of Kindness for Schools Program, to fit your needs and your budget.  This can include anything and everything under the sun, but here are some examples of workshops we have held in the past to get your creative ideas flowing …

1. Family Kindness Workshop at Lady Evelyn Alternative School

This included:

  • a student-led Kindness Assembly and Kindness Improv Scene that demonstrates ways in which kids can be Upstanders in their school community;
  • a presentation by 3 awesome kids from the HERA Mission of Canada to demonstrate ways in which kids can make a difference globally;
  • a group Act of Kindness that consisted of students and parents painting 160 canvases with flowers to make a large mural under the theme of “we are all flowers from the same garden” – which means we are all different, unique and beautiful, but we all belong together in one big human family;
  • a Weekly 25 Acts of Kindness Challenge for families, with supporting material, to reinforce the  importance of kindness throughout the school year; and
  • a Kindness Toolkit for Lady Evelyn with an Act of Kindness Suggestion Box for the office, inspiration for a Kindness Bulletin Board, and copies of our book, “Plant a Garden of Kindness” for further inspiration!









The cost for a workshop like this, for the whole school and parents, starts at $500 plus supplies.


2. Primary Wellness Day Workshop at Alta Vista Public School

This included:

  •  a student-led Kindness Presentation and Kindness Improv Scene for the class, empowering the students to be Upstanders in their school community;
  • a group Act of Kindness where all the students made a small picture thanking the Custodians for all their amazing work – we then posted all these pictures on to one big banner; and
  • a presentation of this beautiful banner to the Custodians with all the primary students in the gym – the banner is now proudly hung in the Custodians office!








The cost for a workshop like this, for one class, starts at $75.


3. Kindness Bag Making Workshop

This included:

  • working with each student to help them make a Kindness Bag out of an old t-shirt;
  • the students then filled these bags with a gently loved stuffie and book, a handmade Kindness Card, and a beaded friendship necklace;
  • these Kindness Bags were then donated to the Heron Emergency Food Centre to be distributed to children whose families are accessing the Food Bank.






The cost for a workshop like this, for one class, starts at $75 – and depending on the number of students, a teacher or parent volunteer to help with sewing would be great!  But this could also be done as a family activity.


4. Other Awesome Things We have Done that Could Be Brought Into a School Workshop …

  • Peace Builders and Joy Activists Workshop: where we learned about the Ropalo Circo Project and their upcoming trip to refugee camp in Greece and made sock puppets for them to take to the kids – click here for the awesome photos from this workshop and click here for more info on the workshop.
  • Homelessness Activists Workshop: where we learned all about homelessness and how we can help from Homelessness Activist Brigitte Boulay, made Kindness Paintings to be auctioned off at a fundraising event for the homeless, and made muffins to be given to the homeless – click here for the awesome photos from this workshop and here for more info on the workshop.
  • Northern Birthday Box Project Workshop: where we learned about the realities of life in northern communities in Canada and we prepared a birthday box to be sent up to a child living in one of these northern communities – click here for the awesome photos from this workshop and here for more info on the workshop.

We can discuss the price for these workshops – which would depend on the size of the group and the materials needed.


Feel free to send Lindsey an email at worldchangingkids@gmail.com or call her at 613-619-1907 to discuss these workshops in more detail!