Our World-Changing Kids Year of Kindness for Schools Program helps you create a welcoming environment for all the students in your school, where everyone feels safe, included and cared for so that they can learn, grow and explore to their fullest potential.

The program consists of: 3 student-led Kindness Assemblies, 100 Daily Acts of Kindness Challenges for Students, 25 Weekly Acts of Kindness Challenges for Families, Supporting Material, and Bi-weekly Inspiration Emails.

This student-led program builds the character traits that you are working to instill in your students – traits like kindness, empathy and compassion – and helps your students become engaged, confident, empowered citizen and leaders.

We offer a number of different versions at various price points:

  1. Guided Version – starting at $1,000 for a year-long program for the whole school, with WCK coming in to facilitate the assemblies
  2. Self-Directed Version – starting at $500 for a year-long program for the whole school, with WCK offering support by phone and email
  3. Kindness Assemblies and Workshops – which can be tailored to fit your school’s needs and budget

Since launching this program last year, we have facilitated programming in 10 schools in the Ottawa area, directly connecting with and inspiring over 1,700 students already!

Read what educators are saying about our program: Year of Kindness for Schools Program – Reviews

We want to bring this programming to your school!

Reach out to Lindsey at worldchangingkids@gmail.com or 613-619-1907 for more information.