That is an excellent question! World-Changing Kids (WCK) is a social-enterprise dedicated to teaching leadership, community-building, active kindness and social justice. We empower children to change the world.
We have two main products/programs through which we achieve these goals:
1. Plant a Garden of Kindness, A Child’s Guide to Filling a Year with Weekly Acts of Kindness
This workbook consists of 75 Acts of Kindness children can do in their community to practice what we like to call “screen-free social networking”. The goal is to pick 52 of the Acts of Kindness and complete on a week for a year. By doing this together as a family, you will help your children develop the skills needed to make new friends, further develop current friendships, communicate with their neighbours of all ages, and become confident, compassionate, engaged leaders in their communities – all the skills needed to be able to socialize and build relationships in real life!
For more information on our book, check out:
2. Year of Kindness for Schools Program
This awesome program is for students in Grades K to 8 and provides a 25-week school wide program that consists of:
* 100 daily Acts of Kindness for students
* 25 weekly Acts of Kindness for families
* 3 student-led assemblies
* supporting material – worksheets, tracking tools
* bi-weekly inspiration emails
For more information on our Year of Kindness for Schools Program, check out: