Our society is too focused on romantic love. What the world needs is all different kinds of love. We need to love our family, friends, and neighbours. We need to love the homeless person we pass on the street. We need to love the animals that we share our planet with. We need to love the water, the air and the land. We need the kind of love that is universal and transformative.
Our book, “Plant a Garden of Kindness” can help you and your children practice this kind of love. The book consists of 75 Acts of Kindness that kids can do in their community – really easy things like collecting your neighbour’s mail when they are away and bringing toys to the park to share with all the kids playing there.

Each Act of Kindness has its own page where you can journal about your experience completing it. We ask some questions to help you get started, like “How did completing this Act of Kindness make you feel?” and “How did the person receiving the kindness feel?”, then we provide you with some space to expand on your thoughts and feelings.

The goal is to pick 52 Acts of Kindness and complete one a week for a year. By the end of the year you will have built a friendlier community, you will have strengthened your kindness, empathy and compassion muscles, and you would have shared with the world the kind of love that has the power to change things for the better.
I think that is a pretty powerful Valentine’s Day present.
Order the book by February 6th and we will make sure to have it mailed to you for February 14th! You can order it on our website here.
Please share this with all your friends so we can spread love across the whole world! And send us an email at worldchangingkids@gmail.com if you have any questions.