Hey Ottawa Friends! I am organizing another World-Changing Kids Meet-up for the Women’s March – Ottawa on Saturday, January 19, 2019. I am organizing this for families who are thinking about joining the March, but who are a bit nervous about it. That was me in 2017! I had never attended a march or protest before and did not know what to expect. I was very anxious about it, but I felt it was important to attend and to bring my kids. I decided last year, for the 2018 Women’s March, that since I was a bit more confident after attending my first march, I would extend an invite to other families to meet up with us so that we could march together and support each other. I would like to extend that invite again this year.

The exact location of where we will meet is still to be determined, but it will be off to the side a bit – a safe distance from the crowd, but still close enough to see and hear what is going on. We will then march together in a group from Parliament Hill to Lansdowne. World-Changing Kids will then have a booth set up at Lansdowne where we will be making Kindness Cards and a Kindness Painting. We will also have our book for sale, “Plant a Garden of Kindness”, with proceeds from sales that day being donated to the Women’s March – Ottawa.

If you would like to receive information about the exact meet-up location once it is determined, please send me an email at worldchangingkids@gmail.com. I will also be sharing information regularly on our social media pages over the next week.

You can also check out our Facebook event page at: https://www.facebook.com/events/593702521060417/

If you want to read more about why I am taking my kids to the Women’s March – Ottawa, you can click on my blog post at: http://worldchangingkids.ca/archives/5438