Kindness * Friendship * Music * Dancing * Yoga * Painting * Arts & Crafts * Sports * Mindfulness * and more!

Join us for a day of FREE children’s programming, hosted by World-Changing Kids and the Alta Vista Public Library, as part of the 12th Annual Ottawa Peace Festival.

Day: Saturday, September 15
Time: 1:00 – 3:00
Location: Heatherington Park, 1560 Heatherington Road


Here is a list of the awesome friends who are helping out with Kids Love Peace 2018 and a description of the fun they will be creating with you ….

The Alta Vista Public Library will be bringing the Bookmobile and will set up a “C for Community” Story Walk – plus other fun activities.

Kaeli Van Regan from Living Inside Out will help you practice living from the inside out with relaxation tools and exercises including Calm and Cool Cards, peaceful stories, stones and more.

Nancy Solange Parra-Dean from Arts Express Ottawa will lead some fantastically creative art activities.

Lindsey Barr from World-Changing Kids will be helping kids create Kindness Cards.


Check out the Facebook event page – https://www.facebook.com/events/2175423852780023/

Check out the Ottawa International Peace Festival’s website – http://ottawapeacefestival.blogspot.com/