Our Year of Kindness Program provides students with a framework for how to be kind, compassionate, empathetic, engaged citizens and leaders. We provide students with concrete actions they can take to create a friendlier, more resilient school community. The entire program is geared at empowering the students to get involved and make a difference. There are also awesome feedback functions built into the program that allow teachers, parents and community members to tell the students how proud everyone is of the great work they are doing. This demonstrates to the students that their entire community values kindness.

Our Year of Kindness program is an excellent complement to any anti-bullying initiatives being undertaken in the school. It takes the important message of anti-bullying, and goes even deeper, providing children with positive actions that they can take to be powerful Upstanders who actively look for ways to help.

Join us in our Year of Kindness Program and we will work together to grow a culture of kindness in your school.


Our yearlong kindness program for schools consists of:

• A Kindness Kick-off Assembly for parents and students
• An Introduction Presentation for the school – by students!
• Daily Acts of Kindness Challenges read over the morning announcements – by students!
• Weekly Acts of Kindness Challenges sent home for families
• Supporting material – worksheets, colouring sheets, Acts of Kindness tracking tools
• Weekly email prompts for inspiration
• Kindness Kudos videos from local leaders and celebrities to show the students that our whole community values kindness
• A Final Kindness Celebration at the end of the year


The total price for the Year of Kindness Program is $1,500.

This program fits into the criteria for the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grant offered to School Councils. The deadline for the PRO Grant application is June 5, 2018.

In addition, there are opportunities for subsidies or sponsorships for schools who can’t afford the program. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to discuss!


We are currently booking Year of Kindness Program presentations at School Council meetings.  Send us an email at worldchangingkids@gmail.com or call us at 613-619-1907 if you would like to have us come in to present to your school.