Dream, Girl is an awesome movie. I still can’t believe that we are hosting a screening of it at Ridgemont High School with the Producer Komal Minhas! And you are invited!

Date: Friday, May 4, 2018
Potluck: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Movie: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Q & A with Komal Minhas: 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Movie Tickets: $2.00 and can be purchased at the door

Ridgemont is my community school. It is where my kids will go. I believe that it is important to support your community school. I have a habit of getting involved with a school before my kids even go there. I did this with the elementary school that they are currently going to – I attended a few meetings of the School Council as a Community Rep and I rented out the gym on Saturday mornings for a winter neighbourhood playgroup when our kids were too young to really do winter. This way, I already knew the principal, some of the teachers, and lots of the families when my children started attending the school.

Now I am getting involved at Ridgemont. I believe that it is our responsibility to show the students in our community that we believe in them, that we care about them, and that we think they are awesome. I love to think about the positive change we can make happen if we do this. I love to see how students exceed our expectations when we provide them with great opportunities, support and positive feedback.

It is with these beliefs in mind that I wanted to put together this amazing event. First, we will be hosting a screening for the students of Dream, Girl during the school day. Every student in the school will get to see this inspirational film. So cool!

Then the entire Ottawa community is invited to attend Ridgemont’s Multicultural Potluck Dinner from 5:00 – 6:30. This will be a wonderful way for families whose children do not yet attend the school to get to know the school a bit better.

Then the entire Ottawa community is invited to attend the screening of the film from 6:30 – 7:30. The ticket for the film is $2 – with all proceeds going to Ridgemont’s library. They recently did a big clean up of the books in their library and are now looking to restock with new, current, culturally diverse and culturally appropriate books. They also want to increase their ESL books. What a super goal to be able to help them out with – and another way to show the students that we care about them.

Then Komal will do a Q & A session after the movie – moderated by Ridgemont students – from 7:30 – 8:00. When I saw Dream, Girl at its Ottawa premiere at the Mayfair, Komal did a Q & A with Sophie Grégoire Trudeau! And now Ridgemont students get to participate in this. It will be such a fantastic leadership building experience for the students involved.

I hope you will join us for this inspirational, joyful, important community building event.

For more information on the event, check out our Facebook event page: www.facebook.com/events/173750116679432/

Click here for the Dream, Girl trailer: www.dreamgirlfilm.com/about