We held Day Two of Kids Love Peace on Sunday, September 25 at Fairlea Park. It was so much fun!
10 Exhibitors Participated:
• Living Inside Out, Kaeli Van Regan
• Adriana Trejo, Singer and Guitarist
• Michelle’s Barefoot Books, Michelle Rosales-Dugas
• Tony Almonte – DJ and Percussion Workshops
• White Butterfly Yoga, Nathalie Beaupre
• Fairlea Community Association, Dr. Peter Stockdale
• Why Am I Perfect? – Nathalie Beaupre
• Maker Junior
• Journey Dance, Kaeli Van Regan
• Facepainting – High School Volunteers: Caeleigh MacDonald, Maryam Maalim and Suleeka Ali
And we had approximately 200 kids and adults attend the awesome day.
Here are some great photos from the day ….
Mayor Jim Watson stopped by Kids Love Peace. The kids were super excited to see him. It was such a fantastic day of friendship, kindness, and community building. And we could not have asked for better weather!
There is a large crowd around these three tables … this includes Michelle’s Barefoot Books, Maker Junior and Living Inside Out. So many amazing activities going on here!
My amazing friend Janine Cocker started a community soccer game. That is Janine in the red shirt in the goal on the left hand side of the photo. Another mom from the community joined in the game – she is standing at the goal in the right hand side of the photo. At one point in time they had thirty kids playing with them. Amazing World-Changing Moms! This is how community is built. This is how we teach our kids about Peace. Fantastic modelling of kindness going on here.
The face painting table was definitely the busiest activity today. And this lovely girl waited so patiently and perfectly in line, even when others weren’t. I made a point to go tell her mom how well she did waiting in line.
This was our Drumming Circle. The fantastic Tony Almonte did some awesome DJing for us and some super cool percussion workshops with the kids! Thanks Tony!
New friends we made at Kids Love Peace and some awesome, fierce face painting. I hope that you had a great day!
Here is a photo of the fantastic mom who helped get a large soccer game going at Kids Love Peace. And this is her amazing extended family. Thanks so much for being a rock star mom! You will also see that some of the kids have the pieces of garbage that they helped pick up. At the end of the Festival, we asked each kid to bring us three pieces of garbage so that we would be leaving the park better than we found it! The kids then got a sticker for helping.
Made a new friend at Kids Love Peace. This young man is an amazing World-Changing Kid. I noticed him earlier in the day because he was picking up garbage around the park – without anyone having asked him to do that. When he met the Mayor, I made sure to share this story. I wanted him to hear me complimenting him to the Mayor. He told me that he was going to be in the newspaper next week. I told him I thought that was only the beginning of many stories about him in the paper. He is a leader. I hope to see him again at future World-Changing Kids events. And that is his Grandma sitting at the table behind him. She brought her grandson and granddaughter to Kids Love Peace and patiently sat all day at that table so her grandkids could experience the festival. That is how you support awesome World-Changing Kids.
More fun from Kids Love Peace – Day Two. On the right hand side you have Alison and Hari from Maker Junior. Maker Junior ran an awesome workshop where kids got to make musical instruments to take home. Their table was packed with happy kids the whole time they were there. Thanks Maker Junior! The two kids on the left hand side of the photo are two new friends we made. They are amazing World-Changing Kids – and sister and brother. They stayed with us after the festival was over, moving tables and chairs, offering their help to our exhibitors – they helped Michelle, of Michelle’s Barefoot Books, bring her items back to her car. Then they said they would keep cleaning up the park till there was no more garbage to be found anywhere. We definitely left the park better than we found it! Thanks guys. And my daughter in the middle – making herself right at home with our Maker Junior friends and our new friends.
Our amazing new friends helped bring all the tables and chairs inside for us using this wheelbarrow. They had to work together to steer and keep the table balanced. It was a hard job. But they are leaders and problem-solvers, so they had it all under control!