Super Exciting News – we have set up our first World-Changing Kids Kindness Club!

World-Changing Kids Kindness Club
in Collaboration with Family Harmonies Familiales

Day and Time: Fridays – 11:00 to 12:00
Dates: December 2 to December 23
Location: Montgomery Legion, 330 Kent St
Price: $72 per family for the 4 week session
Target Age: Children 2 – 10 years and their Adults – this is open to all Ottawa families – including the Ottawa Homeschool Community, as well as any families who are at home with children below school age.


We will get together with our friends from Family Harmonies Familiales (FHF) for weekly visits for the month of December. FHF provides many services, including meaningful daytime activities, for people of all abilities. They have an awesome creative community who come together to enjoy arts and crafts, music, dancing and friendship.

With our friends from FHF, we will complete one Act of Kindness each week. These could include such things as “Make a Kindness Card for our Paramedics” – and then inviting a Paramedic to come in at the end of the class to receive the cards; or “Welcome Painting” – where we make a group painting to be donated to a refugee family who has recently arrived in Ottawa.

Each family will receive a small booklet with a page for each of these four Acts of Kindness, so that they can write some details about completing the Act of Kindness – who you did it for, how it made you feel, how the person receiving the Act of Kindness reacted, etc.

We will also fit in a bit of singing and dancing into our time together, because our friends at FHF are awesome at singing and dancing! And if you want to bring a packed lunch, we could all stay and have lunch together.

To Register:

Please send an email to Lindsey at worldchangingkids@gmail.com.

For more information on World-Changing Kids, please visit our Facebook page.

For more information on Family Harmonies Familiales, please visit their Facebook page.

To see a lovely video of our friends at FHF singing in the park, click here.

There is another great video of our friends at FHF promoting the activities that they had planned for our Kids Love Peace event, you can watch that here.